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EXCLUSIVE: Ambulance Driver Looking to Sue JacksonSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

EXCLUSIVE: Ambulance Driver Looking to Sue Jackson


The medical technician struck yesterday by Michael Jackson’s Cadillac Escalade is contemplating suing the singer.

“I have contacted a lawyer and me and my partner will now report to a doctor to record our injuries,” Jamin Mauro tells us.

While Mauro has been advised by his lawyer to remain silent, he says “I’m still mad that they just drove away without trying to exchange any details. If they had just swapped a business card or something I would have understood, but they acted totally irresponsibly.”

The collision is said to have occurred yesterday at Los Angeles’ Cedars Sinai hospital, where Mauro claims Jackson’s car took off a sideview mirror on his ambulance. He claims to have “whiplash” and is taking a stand, as he finds Jackson’s behavior “unacceptable.”

Beverly Hills police are still investigating the matter, a rep for the department telling Radar, “The traffic investigators are now trying to locate the driver of the Escalade and interview all parties involve to ascertain if it was in fact a hit and run.”

(Photo: Splash News)


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