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My son has a cleaning fetish: Christina AguileraSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

My son has a cleaning fetish: Christina Aguilera

Pop singer Christina Aguilera says her 16-month-old son, Max Liron, is a cleanliness freak.

'He has a cleaning fetish and he loves to run around with a rag and dust and clean, and he loves to clean his high chair after he has done eating. It is so cute. When I lift him down, the first thing he does is to take a rag and clean off his chair. He is mommy's little helper,' femalefirst quoted Aguilera as saying.

Aguilera, 28, says Max is a fast learner and she and her husband, Jordan Bratman, have to be a little cautious because he absorbs everything like a sponge.

'He is absorbing everything like a sponge right now. We have to be cautious what we are saying around him. He is speaking a little Spanish too. He said mama and papa months ago,' said Aguilera.

'Ever since I have become a mom, I feel I have more knowledge and that makes me feel beautiful. I feel more centred, which makes me feel confident and sexy,' she added.


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