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Hugh Hefner and Holly Madison Spilt up.... a Love story endsSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Hugh Hefner and Holly Madison Spilt up.... a Love story ends

Although it has been months since Hugh Hefner, Holly Madison split up, the blonde still remains the "love of his life" and he would love to welcome her back to the Playboy Mansion.

In an interview with Jason Binn, editorial director of Niche Magazine's Los Angeles Confidential, the octogenarian tycoon claimed that he still has the same feelings for the former 'Girls Next Door' star.

The 83-year-old Playboy boss, however, said that he still doesn't know what future holds for his relationship with new top squeeze Crystal Harris.

"How serious, and intimate, and important that works out to be, well we'll have to wait and see because it's only a couple months old," Fox News quoted Hef as saying in the upcoming issue.

But while Hef's heart is still beating for Holly, it doesn't look like a reunion will happen any time soon.

"I loved my time at the mansion and think the world of Hef. There comes a time in everyone's life where they need to go their own way," said Madison.

In the interview Hefner also revealed his two prominent regrets- his two marriages (the first to Mildred Williams in 1949 and then to Playmate Kimberly Conrad in 1989 -- to whom he's still married) and taking his empire public.

"I think the company would have been more closer to home if it had remained a private corporation," admitted Hefner.


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